EARTHBONDING - The Matter of the Planet and You - Gaia Dance
Earthbonding is about a complete re-envisioning of potential human relationships with the planet. It has the additional and important agenda of connecting up much information normally seen in distinct categories.
This is a profound book on the relationship between us humans and the earth. Gaia Dance's ingenious concept of earthbonding has the potential to blow our minds and transform our lives if we allow ourselves to view the world, the nature, the earth and ourselves in a new light. It goes far deeper than mere eco-friendliness and being green; it offers highly perceptive insights into becoming more grounded spiritually, emotionally and
physically. These can ultimately help us to fully appreciate and delight in the oneness and wholeness of life.
Dr. Tarja Moles, freelance writer and researcher, author of The Xenophobe's Guide to the Finns
This book will place a longed-for tool in many minds : a living new word, earthbonding. The term
earthbonding as a state of being, not to be confused with eco-consciousness and related terms referring to a state of mind, allows those of us who have long experienced our connection to the living Earth as a treasured essential of life to name the experience and own it more fully. Seeing and understanding more clearly the
nature of the experience of earthbonding, and also the many thought-habits and culture-conditionings which arise to prevent most of us from awareness of this connection, we feel challenged to take the next steps. Not
only to nurture consciousness and awareness in our own conversations with the Earth , but also the courage to own our felt experience to other people. A daunting challenge even yet, rising to it made possible by the realization that we are not alone in our experience of earthbonding, and that the more we stand by this experience, the more widespread awareness of it will become possible to all.
Susanne Speidel, prize winner in Earth Vision Nature Writing Contest 2010
This volume puts a new and personal frame around Arne Naess's insight that “ecological ideas are not enough, we need ecological identity, ecological self.” Gaia Dance writes movingly of her own journey to a deeply ecological identity and suggests many pathways for others who wish their lives to receive guidance from the living Earth.
John Seed, Environmentalist, Director of Rainforest Information Centre Australia, and contributor to Thinking Like A Mountain
Here is a grand sweep through the central issue of our time - the relationship between humanity and its soul-mate, nature. Ann Palmer starts by eliminating all the various tangents that can get in the way of the
central issue, then explores the multi-dimensional range of the dynamics of our interaction with the Earth. By the time you get through the first section you will have traversed the terrain across your interior landscape.
Where can we go from here? First, establish where you are, then move forward. Earthbonding presents a map of that route.
Josef Graf, Deep Ecologist, founder of the Earth Vision Nature Writing Contest
I found this book to be supportive of my own relationship with Earth. It is a passionate, grounding piece of writing, which cuts to the chase, unveiling our illusions and myths of ourselves as humans, of our cultures and beliefs.
There is no sentimentalism, no pandering to egos. Ann tells it as it is...for her. Those of us who are ready for the scales to be removed from our eyes will find a real connection to her writing, and a clearer idea of our own unique "Earth Bond," which is, whether we acknowledge it or not, our life giving support system. Being open to Earth is an important part of the message in this book.
Ann uses some new language to describe some old behaviours as well as the term "Earth Bond", and takes us through various resistances, fears, false personal and cultural beliefs that hide our bond to earth from us.
Understanding these beliefs and behaviours can help us to see clearly how we block and blind ourselves to what is really happening.
Also explored are the way that big businesses and governments exploit the emerging renaissance of Earth bonding that is now happening, and the way we readily, often go along with that. She points out how we can be programmed in subtle and not so subtle ways.
You will discover your personal "PAN", Personal Associative Network which results in our unique personal individuality, and how these "PANs'" help us to find points of connection, or not, with others.
There are many more interesting and intriguing ideas explored by the author, and this review could be much longer and indeed was at one point! I enjoyed reading it and it helped me clarify certain behaviours and patterns, bringing me into more awareness of myself and my own unique Earth bond.
June Williams, artist, joint owner of Hebrides Light.
Earthbonding is about a complete re-envisioning of potential human relationships with the planet. It has the additional and important agenda of connecting up much information normally seen in distinct categories.
This is a profound book on the relationship between us humans and the earth. Gaia Dance's ingenious concept of earthbonding has the potential to blow our minds and transform our lives if we allow ourselves to view the world, the nature, the earth and ourselves in a new light. It goes far deeper than mere eco-friendliness and being green; it offers highly perceptive insights into becoming more grounded spiritually, emotionally and
physically. These can ultimately help us to fully appreciate and delight in the oneness and wholeness of life.
Dr. Tarja Moles, freelance writer and researcher, author of The Xenophobe's Guide to the Finns
This book will place a longed-for tool in many minds : a living new word, earthbonding. The term
earthbonding as a state of being, not to be confused with eco-consciousness and related terms referring to a state of mind, allows those of us who have long experienced our connection to the living Earth as a treasured essential of life to name the experience and own it more fully. Seeing and understanding more clearly the
nature of the experience of earthbonding, and also the many thought-habits and culture-conditionings which arise to prevent most of us from awareness of this connection, we feel challenged to take the next steps. Not
only to nurture consciousness and awareness in our own conversations with the Earth , but also the courage to own our felt experience to other people. A daunting challenge even yet, rising to it made possible by the realization that we are not alone in our experience of earthbonding, and that the more we stand by this experience, the more widespread awareness of it will become possible to all.
Susanne Speidel, prize winner in Earth Vision Nature Writing Contest 2010
This volume puts a new and personal frame around Arne Naess's insight that “ecological ideas are not enough, we need ecological identity, ecological self.” Gaia Dance writes movingly of her own journey to a deeply ecological identity and suggests many pathways for others who wish their lives to receive guidance from the living Earth.
John Seed, Environmentalist, Director of Rainforest Information Centre Australia, and contributor to Thinking Like A Mountain
Here is a grand sweep through the central issue of our time - the relationship between humanity and its soul-mate, nature. Ann Palmer starts by eliminating all the various tangents that can get in the way of the
central issue, then explores the multi-dimensional range of the dynamics of our interaction with the Earth. By the time you get through the first section you will have traversed the terrain across your interior landscape.
Where can we go from here? First, establish where you are, then move forward. Earthbonding presents a map of that route.
Josef Graf, Deep Ecologist, founder of the Earth Vision Nature Writing Contest
I found this book to be supportive of my own relationship with Earth. It is a passionate, grounding piece of writing, which cuts to the chase, unveiling our illusions and myths of ourselves as humans, of our cultures and beliefs.
There is no sentimentalism, no pandering to egos. Ann tells it as it is...for her. Those of us who are ready for the scales to be removed from our eyes will find a real connection to her writing, and a clearer idea of our own unique "Earth Bond," which is, whether we acknowledge it or not, our life giving support system. Being open to Earth is an important part of the message in this book.
Ann uses some new language to describe some old behaviours as well as the term "Earth Bond", and takes us through various resistances, fears, false personal and cultural beliefs that hide our bond to earth from us.
Understanding these beliefs and behaviours can help us to see clearly how we block and blind ourselves to what is really happening.
Also explored are the way that big businesses and governments exploit the emerging renaissance of Earth bonding that is now happening, and the way we readily, often go along with that. She points out how we can be programmed in subtle and not so subtle ways.
You will discover your personal "PAN", Personal Associative Network which results in our unique personal individuality, and how these "PANs'" help us to find points of connection, or not, with others.
There are many more interesting and intriguing ideas explored by the author, and this review could be much longer and indeed was at one point! I enjoyed reading it and it helped me clarify certain behaviours and patterns, bringing me into more awareness of myself and my own unique Earth bond.
June Williams, artist, joint owner of Hebrides Light.
Copyright Gaia Dance 2013. Image Copyright Hazel Inns 2011. Header photo Copyright NASA